BLOOD ANGELS!!!!! (Here are some pics!)
Who says Dakka is useless? |
Awesome Pic! |
It came from this one place |
Sweet Lighting |
So its 1850 points, and I have a couple options. Last time I played them in a tourney, I ran jumpers and Mephiston, which was fun. I wound up getting 4th, after a total massacre courtesy of a chaos marine army. However, in a couple test games I've played the inability to pop mass armor have been a challenge. So, I'm thinking that jumpers+devs is the way to go. Here's the list:
Librarian: jump pack
x2 Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power weapons
Sanguinary Priest
2x10 Assault Marines: x2 meltaguns, power fist
x5 Assault Marines: meltagun, power fist
2x5 Vanguard Vets: lightning claw, thunder hammer, x2 storm shields, glaive on sarge
3x5 Devastators: x4 missile launchers
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Shas'el Mike