To say I've been burgled... :(

Mother Frakkers people... Mother frakkers suck... Big time... Got home on Wednesday night and found a window open. They'd pried it open and gotten inside. The good news is that the alarm did its job and went off pretty quick meaning they got out without too much stuff.

Now I can hear some of you asking, why is he putting this on his blog, while sad it's not exactly what you'd call painting news. Well the room they broke into was my painting room, and while the miniatures might be heroes and villains of various shapes, sizes, genders and universes; alas they fared poorly against the aggression of trespassers... I've now got minis in various stages of development, some finished, broken, some are snap jobs, but others have been... Attacked... Almost look they've been stomped on... One of the biggest kickers are my brushes. I get attached to brushes and take a lot of care with them, they've been scattered across the room, some snapped, all damaged in some way...

Now to anyone who has read my previous post regarding why we paint you'll know how I feel in regards to seeing a miniature destroyed. It is a mind numbing pain... More so than having my camera, compressor and airbrush stolen. To say this hurts your motivation to paint is an understatement... That is all. I hope to paint something, but truth be told I really don't feel like it...

This is just frakked up and I am unhappy... :(