So I put you guys to the Ultimate Eldar Challenge to come up with the worst possible Eldar list. You then voted and the results are in...

The ultimate worst Eldar list you guys chose was:

This will be me in the tournament, thanks Eric!

-Prince Yriel 155pts

-Storm Guardians 18x- 1x flamer 150pts
-Storm Guardians x18- 1x flamer 150pts

-3x Vyper- 3x Brightlance, 3x Holo-field, 3x Spirit Stones, 3x Vectored Engines, 3x Star Engines, 465pts
-3x Vyper- 3x Brightlance, 3x Holo-field, 3x Spirit Stones, 3x Vectored Engines, 3x Star Engines, 465pts
-3x Vyper- 3x Brightlance, 3x Holo-field, 3x Spirit Stones, 3x Vectored Engines, 3x Star Engines, 465pts

Congratulations to Eric, I will be playing this list in an upcoming RTT and make a battle report. If I place in the top 3 somehow I'll send you a prize!