Lately I've been running a myriad of lists from Draigo Wing to max Skimmer spam Eldar, mainly for the simplicity of play and ease of winning. Now, I'm going to go back to some of my roots and bust out an Iyanden style army for an upcoming tournament and I'd like some feedback!

This tournament will have some good competition, from Blackmoor's Draigowing to some top finishers in the Bay Area Open. I look forward to a good challenge and as such, I will be bringing a non-cookie cutter Eldar list to represent. The list I am thinking of bringing is the following (and sorry Eric, not taking 9 Vypers and mass Storm Guardians this time =) ) :

HQ: 210

Eldrad: 210 -People love to pour on the hate regarding Eldrad but he is such a solid character and offers so much in an already hostile meta game, especially if you take foot elements, Eldrad is a great boon.

Elites: 564

7 Harlequins with kisses and a Shadowseer: 184 - Standard ground support unit, I usually take 8 but dropped one to be able to take Eldrad over a regular Farseer. This unit is mainly here to protect the Wraithguard from bad assaults and engage juicy targets of opportunity. 

5 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpent with Spirit Stones and Shiruken Cannon turret: 190

5 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpent with Spirit Stones and Shiruken Cannon turret: 190 -Running Wraithguard centered armies really leaves the mobile anti-tank lacking, this unit is here to flesh out the mobility problems many footdar/wraithguard-centric armies face and add a great punch. This is my go-to unit for destroying that Landraider carrying TH/SS terminators or a Battlewagon filled with Ghaz and friends.

Troops: 766

10 Wraithguard w/ Spiritseer and Enhance: 396 -This is the focal point of the army, the anvil. This unit moves towards a big target or key objective while the rest of the army moves in support. Great short ranged firepower and if used properly can wreck havoc with a few good shooting phases and even do well in close combat against the right targets. 

5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents with Spirit Stones and Scatter Laser turret: 185

5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents with Spirit Stones and Scatter Laser turret: 185 -These guys are here to add a nice durable and mobile scoring element to the army. Nothing like being able to zoom 24" late game to claim an objective while tank-shocking an enemy off of it. The Scatter Lasers are nice fire support for the rest of the army against hordes/light vehicles that is sorely lacking in such a small army.

Heavy Support: 310

Wraithlord w/ EML & BL: 155

Wraithlord w/ EML & BL: 155 -These guys are the only really viable ranged anti-tank a footy Eldar army can run. They also add a nice close combat punch and utility as I use them as speedbumps or counterchargers. Draigowing should fear getting into combat with these guys if they don't have enough DemonHammers (hopefully Eldrad can snipe them and Runes can shut down the strength powers/force weapons). 

So yeah, I think this army is not over the top in any way, I tried to go for just the right amount of balance where I have enough anti tank through Wraithlords, Fire Dragons and Wraithguard/Wychblades. Enough close combat through the Harlequins, Eldrad, Wraithlords; and in a pinch, Wraithguard; as well as solid and mobile scoring units from the Wraithguard and DAVU Wave Serpents. What do you guys think?