Here is the last post in my "Ogre shaman" thread: the Heavens lore butcher.

Thing is I don´t know how this dude came to my mind, I know that the idea of a dude sporting a massive sledgehammer is always appealing to me so I took the idea of my Death lore butcher and used an Ironguts hammer instead of a Mournfang cavalry scythe and this dude was born.

Is still hard to know what to add to a dude whose workshipped god is "Heavens", so I decided to make him the less tematic butcher.

The body is an Ogre standard body, the left arm is the standart one and the right one is the unflexed arm in the ogres box.

The hammer was cut out from the ironguts sprue and glued to the filed standart arm.

The wand is part of a ogre club with a skull that came from the spare head of the thundertusk/stonehorn kit (what a kit!!!).
The wand was added just to give a bit more the feeling of a "Magic Dude".
The last touch is the head, that is the head that come to make a butcher in the TH/SH kit, is the head with the long beard, that gives the feeling that is caught some air hence helping to create the "Heavens lore" feeling.
Oh, and that is a image of the gnoblar that some leadbelchers sport in their shoulders (image I forgot to use in the last leadbelchers post).