That's right folks time for another Badab Workshop from Sippin' on Paint Water Chris. This guy is a painting machine and has now completed four painting tutorials. So over to you Chris:

"After the 'Lamentable' last installment of Badab Tutorials it'll be good to cleanse the painting palette with the simple scheme of the Marines Errant. I haven't actually seen any Marines Errant in person or really on the internet either, it's a bit surprising they're a codex chapter with a crisp scheme, but maybe this article will peak the interest of someone who has been on the fence about which chapter of Space Marines to collect. Lets get started.

Paints you'll need:
Chaos Black
Skull White
Mordian Blue
Astronomican Grey
Golden Yellow
Boltgun Metal
Mechrite Red
Blood Red
Dheneb Stone

Washes you'll need:
Badab Black
Thraka Green
Devlan Mud

1. Black spray primer.

2. Paint the left half of the mini with Mordian Blue.

3. Use an equal parts mix of Skull White and Mordian
Blue to drybrush the left half of the model.

4. Paint the right half of the model with Astronomican Grey.

5. Overbrush Skull White on the right half of the mini,
now is a good time to clean up the seam between colors.

6. Paint the weapons and raised emblems with Boltgun Metal,
then paint the joints, hoses, pouches and weapons casings
with Chaos Black.

7. Paint the parchment part of the purity seals with Dheneb
Stone, then paint the wax bit with Mechrite Red.

8. Apply a highlight of Chainmail to all the metal bits.

9. Wash the purity seal with Devlan Mud.

10. Chapter badge time, start by painting the shape of the
star with Skull White, it doesn't have to be perfect this step
is more about working out placement.

11. Now paint the outline of the flames, it's best to have a
reference image to work from, I use my laptop and Google
images most of the time.

12. Fill in the outline with Skull White.

13. Using Golden Yellow fill in the flames of the shooting star.

14. Go back over the star with Skull white and extend its
points and perfect the overall shape. I also make
sure both lenses are white at this point.

15. Add a drop of Thraka Green to each lens.

16. I painted my base with these two paints but with the
color palette of the Marines Errant a Martian soil would
look very good.

17. Apply a thinned Badab Black wash to the entire mini,
my mix is 2 parts water to 1 part wash.

18. Last bit, highlight the wax portion of the purity seal with
Blood Red.

The Marines Errant are a fleet based chapter.

Who value the purity of their geeneseed above all else.

They spend their existence on constant crusade.

There you have it, it really is that simple, I hope someone out there takes up the banner of the Marines Errant, I know I would love to see them join the ranks of the Badab Bloggers. I think it's the only chapter not currently represented of the Badab Veterans. Hope everyone enjoys him, thanks for reading and stay thirsty."

Thanks Chris, and I really hope some one picks up the flag for these guys and starts an army (mainly so they can join here of course). Coming up next Son's of Medusa so stay tuned guys.