It's been awhile since we got anywhere with this thread huh? With time pressed as it is, although I've been working on this project I wasn't to a point where I felt good about sharing anything. Well here it is the final step on the Land Speeder Typhoon:

Here we are, after what seems like 2 months worth of procrastination -yes, this has been done since January and I'm just today gluing the bloody missiles on!

And presto! -It's finally together!

So after a few minutes holding each rocket pod on, I was finally satisfied that the glue would hold! These are the original metal parts and they're solid and heavy! I was afraid that they would be too heavy and cause the speeder to tilt on the ball joint, but no, this has held together well so far.

Here's some outdoors shots in natural lighting:

I'm very pleased with the red rockets. So much so that I think I will go back to the 1st drop pod (not much progress on the 2nd one since the last time I brought it up BTW) and repaint the rockets red, as they contrast so much better than the white ones do.

 Bird's eye view. I notice in the pic that the passenger side rockets are slightly off a bit... considering that I just used super glue and the likelihood of if separating during transport I figured I would wait until the inevitable separation before worrying about it further.

Turned out well for a model I fished out of the trash about 10 years ago huh?

So, two more of these to go! And for this column (the Pods to Drop & Lands to Raid) I still have:
  • Minor touch ups on the Land Raider Crusader
  • A 2nd Land Raider Crusader  (Mhahaha!)
  • 2 more Land Speeder Typhoons
  • and about 3 more Drop Pods.
Not counting any Space Wolf foot troops.

Oh, and with recent developments in my Dark Heresy game, the Dark Eldar have all but been calling out to me for paint and assembly... :)