So you've all seen the posts in the past about my little girl and her growing enthusiasm for Warhammer 40K and in particular Space Marines. However one Space Marine has caught her attention more than any other. Captain Titus.

This afternoon I thought I'd show her the Ultramarines movie and all she could ask was where's Captain Titus. As far as she's concerned the movie just doesn't cut it, not because of it's poor animation or lack of any depth to the story, but because there's no Captain Titus.

If that wasn't enough she then proceeded to vocalise her disgust at Chaos for the death of Veteran Sergeant Sidonus. I mean what were the forces of chaos seriously thinking killing one of her marines! This lead on to the next revelation that she hasn't played the game in soooooo long, but we'll fix that this weekend.

But what made the whole conversation even funnier was trying to explain that girls are Sisters of Battle when as far as she's concerned, she's a Space Marine. What can I say. The world of 40K through the eyes of a five year old, it makes for interesting conversation.

Daddy's a Blood Angel...
Destiny's an Ultramarine.....
And Mummy just needs to tow the line!