Sorry, this seemed like a good moment for a Monty Python gag. Actual Gundam assembly pictures after the cut.

So amidst various distractions (such as my increasing physical training, including a fell run, and the start of the LARPing season), I've been making fairly swift progress with the legs of the 00 Raiser. Because of their size, they are much less fiddly to assmble compared to the arms and torso. Plus, I've seen sense and decided to focus on assembly first, then do the painty tidy up afterwards.

This is the basic leg skeleton, with the foot (fully assembled), the ankle joint and the hip joint. I've mentioned this before, but I really do love how the skeleton of the Gundam looks like a functional thing in its own right. The staggering thing is that not only the form part of the function, but there is actually detail on here for no other purpose than to make the skeleton detailed. It is a really nice touch.

This is part of the legs knee articulation, which is in two parts for some reason. I only show this because it is a very neatly designed hinge and the little piston feature is almost completely hidden once the armour plates are on. Yet there it is.
I decided rather than do a shot for each stage of the assembly, I'd do a little montage (even Rocky had a montage) showing the armour plates going on a step at a time. Mostly to show how the skeleton is hidden as the different plates go on. It might help you to make suitable mecha hydraullic noises as you imagine each plate being fasted to the model. I know it helped me, particularly as I was making those noises as I slide each piece into place.
The completed leg with the foot attached. This actually feels reasonably weighty and is far taller than the completed torso assembly. Which is to be expected, as the Japanase/Manga style is for slightly longer the normal legs on all things. Once the other leg is finished (which it nearly is), I shall tidy up the paintwork where I've cut the pieces from the sprues.

And the obligatory articulation shot! (which also happens to show some of the sprue damage). The leg is a very mobile piece of kit that also pleasingly stands up by itself if posed correctly. I consider this a promising sign for posing the finished kit.