So it's April now and I have a few weeks left to sort out what I'm taking to Call to War. I've been distracted by lots of other armies and messing around with different kits but I seem to be drawn back to Chaos, in particular Daemons. I had earlier mentioned that I was getting bored with my Daemons but I've had a change of heart, mainly as I'm off playing my mate Chris tonight and can't be bothered proxying up anything that much different to my pinkie winkies.

So what diabolical army of monsters do I bring to our game. Well we are using the South Coast GT comp which takes the slight edge off things people can take. In the case of my Daemons, I'm limited by the following....

# Can only add 2 Power Dice or Dispel Dice to its magic dice
pool in each magic phase. This includes channelling
# Flamers of Tzeentch 0 – 6 models per army.
# Daemons of Chaos infantry units may only be a maximum of 400 points per unit
# Max 3 units with the ‘fly’ special rule
# The Masque, Skulltaker and the Blue Scribes may not be taken (yes special characters can be taken!)

As you can see it still lets you take lots of the usual toys but limits things which can be a bit over the top. With all this in mind, I've decided to use the following list....

2400 Pts - Daemons of Chaos Army

Lord of Change - 560 pts (General, Level 4 Wizard, Master of Sorcery(Light))
Herald of Khorne - 115 pts (Armour of Khorne)
Herald of Khorne - 115 pts (Armour of Khorne)
Herald of Nurgle - 190 pts (Battle Standard Bearer, Staff of Nurgle)

23 Bloodletters - 306 pts (Full Command)
23 Bloodletters - 306 pts (Full Command)
20 Plaguebearers - 295 pts (Full Command, Standard of Seeping Decay)

3 Flamers - 105 pts
3 Flamers - 105 pts
3 Beasts of Nurgle - 300 pts

The army is a bit smaller than what I wanted, however I wanted to see how the Lord of Change and Beasts of Nurgle work in 8th edition. The general idea of the army is for the Lord of Change to buff up everything thing up with the Lore of Light, which oddly enough works really well with the Daemons (well it's odd if you consider the fluff). If the Lord of Change is taken out of the game early, the army is still quite effective. I just need to be wary of being outnumbered by enemy units, but my Lord of Change, Herald of Nurgle and Flamers should be able to take care of any of those units.

I'm really looking forwards to my game against Chris and it's great that I'm excited about using my favourite army again. I'll have a report/review about how the game went tomorrow.