Hey everyone, hope you had a good Easter! Been pretty hecktic around here with painting, gaming, and family stuffs going on. Next event up for the ol Inquisitor is Mage Con April 20th-22nd.
Mage Con is a convention held 50 miles away over in South Sioux City at the Marina Inn and convention center. It is a 3 day convention running Friday through Sunday. This year I will be playing in the unRTT being held on Saturday, and I decided to attend Sunday also. With the fantasy unRTT on Sunday, and I not being a fan of fantasy, decided to run a fun mega 40k battle.
While I'm not really putting alot of thought into it, I'm mostly just going for a big fun game with some peeps. I left it open to beginners too if they want to learn how to play 40k and I'll even bring my starter marines along for people to try out the game if they don't own anything..
On Saturday I will be playing my "Vulcan" Crimson Fist list I took to con of the North in the rtt being run. To scale up to 2000 points, I'm just going to add Lysander and drop a speeder. Everything is painted and ready to go. I would like to get some practice games in though.
So there is my April in a nutshell. Paint, paint, paint, on the SoB and a local Convention. Also we are moving into the house across the street, so some planing on the man cave has begun. Westel will be wiring the fiber optic hookups in a couple weeks so I need to nail down the location of my desk. This month will determine what army I take to the Bugeater GT and if I will go to SpringCon in Saint Paul in May.
I also finished Know No Fear this weekend. Wow, what an awesome book! I blew through this in record time and lost some sleep to it too. Every book out for the Horus Heresy series is just upping the bar now! Yes, I'm a fan boy big time for it, but these are some of the best books out of Black Library. Almost made me wish I painted Ultramarines in stead of Crimson Fists. Heck, if had read this and not Rynn's World, I probaby would have.
Tomorrrow I will be posting pictures of Kyrinov I'm working on. He is looking good, but I need to figure out how I'm going to paint my bases before I finish him.