So, I've fallen victim to this. I have finally decided to fork out the money and build myself a cheesy list. 

So, this is my 2,000 point Purifier list. 

Grey Knights Grand Master
- Rad Grenades- Psychotroke grenades- Master crafted Force Sword- 195 points

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor- Psychotroke Grenades- Rad Grenades- servo skull- 58 points


Purifier Squad- 10 man- 4x psycannons- 5x halberds- 1x Daemon hammer (carried by Knight of the Flame)- 295 points

Purifier Squad- 10 man- 4x psycannons- 5x halberds- 1x Daemon hammer (carried by Knight of the Flame)- 295 points


Strike Squad- 5 man- Psycannon- Daemonhammer- 120 points

Razorback- Psybolt Ammunition- 50 points

Strike Squad- 5 man- Psycannon- Daemonhammer- 120 points

Razorback- Psybolt Ammunition- 50 points

Fast Attack

Storm Raven- Multi-Melta- 205 points

Storm Raven- Multi-Melta- 205 points

Heavy Support

Dreadnought- Twin-linked Autocannon- Twin-linked Autocannon- Psybolt Ammunition- 135

Dreadnought- 115

Dreadnought- Twin-linked Autocannon- Twin-linked Autocannon- Psybolt Ammunition- 135
1998 points

These are the starts of my purifiers. I've painted 4 - I have 28 infantry models left to paint!

The design is very simple. The body is grey, light highlighting (they will be weathered later.) The boltguns I have intentionally left unhighlighted because the colour looks better (in my opinion) how they are now.

The helmets are silver because I preferred it to white. (I can paint white fairly well, but I don't like conforming as you can tell... sorta.) 

I'm trying the crackling energy thing on all the halberds and swords, don't know how well it'll turn out, though that one there's the best I've ever done.

So I'll finish this unit of 5 purifiers (5 more coming in later, I had to strip them for some ungodly reason.) Then I'll do that storm raven.

I'll finish the other five marines and buy either a terminator box or a brother-captain stern to use as the grand master.

Then, who knows? Maybe I'll scrounge up the money to buy contemptor dreads to use as the psifleman dreadnoughts (it's actually cheaper for me to buy 3 of them than to buy 3 normal dreads and autocannon arms.)