Here is a copy of the info I got on Spring Con going on in May in Saint Paul. Looks like another 2 day, 5 game event in the Midwest!!

The tickets are here and you can now get registered for the Source 40k Tournament at Springcon!!!
Source Comics & Games is proud to announce it’s inaugural 2012 Warhammer 40K Tournament. Our primary goal is to provide an outstanding experience for all attendees while expanding on the amazing tournament scene here in the Midwest.
Why come to the Source GT / Springcon?
· You will get to compete against 5 great opponents on fantastic gaming boards with themed terrain.
· Prizes!!! Multiple prize categories! In addition, the overall winner will get a life size Power Sword to hang on their wall or smite their foes, whichever. J
· Amazing Gaming Venue – the State Fairgrounds Grandstand! Plus, you have full admission into the largest Comic Book Convention in Minnesota; Springcon.
· The Source GT will be on the official Games Workshop tournament circuit in 2013.
Tournament Rules
· Games will be played using the Warhammer 40K 5th Edition rule set. All the current errata and FAQ’s available from Games Workshop or the INAT ( ) will be in effect.
· All models must clearly represent what they are supposed to be. WYSIWYG is the general rule (What You See is What You Get). No proxies are allowed.
· Your models do not have to be painted. However, your paint score will be included in the overall and for the army to receive a paint score it must have 3 colors and be based.
· Each player needs to bring 3 Objective markers.
· There will be five games.
· This is an Open List tournament. Players are expected to have a printed, legible army list to give to each opponents prior to the game. Bring a minimum of six copies. One copy will need to be turned in to the tournament organizers at registration.
· You must provide access to your own rules (which include the actual codex used for your army), dice, templates, pen/pencil, calculator or anything else you’ll need during the course of the game.
Army list rules
· You have 1850 points to construct your army using a standard force organization chart. Special and upgrade characters are allowed, assuming they are playable at 1850 points.
· The following codices are allowed: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks, Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf), Space Marines, Space Wolves, Tau Empire, and Tyranids.
· You must use the current edition of any army book released before April 19th, 2012.
· All players should submit an army list to the Source GT by May 15th, 2012. Lists should be emailed to with the subject line stating: Source GT. Please send the lists as an Army Builder 3 file if possible, otherwise Word document, excel workbook, or text file are fine.
Rule Judges
Players are required to have their rule books handy and to resolve rule disputes between themselves in a fair and friendly manner. However, in the case of ambiguous rules or firm disagreements, there will be Rules Judges circulating on the floor. Rulings from a Rules Judge may not be correct, but it will be final. Arguing with a Rules Judge or getting hostile over a ruling that you don’t agree with will get you a red card or expelled from the tournament.
Rules Judges will be empowered to hand out a Red Card to any player who acts in an egregious manner that is unbecoming to the Source GT. This includes (but is not limited to) outright cheating and violent displays of temper. One Red Card may result in expulsion from the Convention without refund, while two Red Cards will definitely result in expulsion.
Tournament Scoring and Awards
The 2012 Source GT 40K focuses on three elements of good game play – skill, sportsmanship, and appearance, in order to determine who goes home with the prizes. Every player will be scored on the basis of their ability to play the game, play a fun game, and paint their army. To that end, players can score a maximum of 130 points, broken down as follows:
Battle Points = 60 points
Sportmanship = 30 points
Army Appearance = 40 points
Overall Champion = Battle Points + Sportsmanship Points + Appearance Points.
Best General = Battle Points + base Sportsmanship Points.
Best Sportsman = Total Sportsmanship Points.
Best Army = Total Appearance Points.
Player’s Choice = Most Player Votes
Best Terrain = Most Player Votes
Awards will be given out for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in these categories: Overall, Best Sportsman, Best Army, & Best General.
Best Terrain Award: $50.00 Gift Certificate to the Source and an official Source GT award.
Player’s Choice Award: An official Source GT award.
Battle Points
Each mission will define 3 mission objectives. The player that has successfully achieved more mission objectives at the end of the game wins. If neither player has achieved victory through mission objectives, then the game ends in a tiebreak. Each mission will define a specific tiebreak which may have a secondary draw condition. A win is worth up to 6 points + 2/objective, a draw is 3 points + 2/objective, and a loss is worth 0 points + 2/objective.
Sportsmanship Points
Sportsmanship is about not only having a good game, but also giving a good game to your opponent. What constitutes a “good” or “bad” game is very subjective. There are hundreds of factors, and everyone has a different criteria. However, it’s very easy to recognize a bad game when you have one. It’s also equally easy to recognize an exceptionally good game when you have one. So for the Source GT, sportsmanship scores will focus on your game experience with your opponent. At the end of the tournament, each player will get to cast a vote for their most enjoyable opponent of the weekend.
Every army at the Source GT will be awarded a score by the tournament judges based on the overall appearance of their army. Technical painting is important, but it is only one factor in your appearance score. Conversions, theme, basing and overall presentation are equal factors as to what makes an army look good and score well in this category. Your objective markers will also be a part of the appearance judging.
Paint Your Own – Players must have painted their own army in order to be eligible to win the Best Overall, Best Army, or Player’s Choice awards. This restriction does not apply to Best General or Best Sportsman. Please notify the judges if you did not paint your own army.
Source GT Rerolls
Rerolls will be available for you to use throughout the tournament. You may use one reroll chip per game. The chip allows you to reroll one d6 at any point in the game. How do I get these reroll chips?
Paying by May 1st = 1
List in by May 1st = 1
Participation in Terrain Contest (see below) = 3
Terrain Contest
Each player who wishes to participate in this event will bring one piece of terrain to be donated to the tournament for future use. Entries must show craftsmanship or it will be rejected from the competition (No pre-made and pre-painted Terrain or random object that you attempt to justify, i.e. No handing us a Snickers Bar and stating it's a Ghost Fence). Prefab houses, etc. are fine as long as it took some effort on your part to assemble and paint it. Please note that there is no size restriction for the terrain pieces.
The terrain will be set on a separate table by the judges table to be voted on between Games 2 & 3. Votes will need to be turned in by the end of day Saturday. On Sunday the terrain will be placed on the tables for Games 4 & 5.
Winners for the Terrain Awards will be chosen by the tournament organizers as well as peers.

***Reminder: participation in the terrain contest will get you a re-roll token!!!***
Player’s Choice
Player’s Choice is awarded by one’s peers at the tournament. The question many folks try to answer is “What army would I most want to take home with me?” This award is all about who brought the coolest toys that look awesome. One player, one vote. Once you win this event, you may not enter the same army again in future Source Tournaments. It will be time to paint a new one.
Players should set up their armies with their names clearly visible after game 2 on Saturday. All Player’s Choice votes must be turned in before you leave on Saturday night.
You may register and pick up your ticket for the event by stopping at or calling Source Comics & Games, (651) 645-0386. Please note that the Source will be closed March 25th-March 27th to move to their new location. Tickets for the Source GT are $45+tax; which includes a full admission into the Springcon Comic Book convention, snacks, soda, and some cool dice made for the occasion.
Important dates
Reroll Payment Date: May 1st
Reroll List Due Date: May 1st
List Due Date: May 15th
Payment Date: May 18th
Source GT Dates: May 19th & 20th
8-9 Check in
9-9:30 Tournament Kick Off
9:30-12 Game 1
12-1 Lunch
1-3:30 Game 2
3:30-4 Players Choice Voting & Terrain Contest
4-6:30 Game 3
9:30-12 Game 4
12-1 Lunch
1-3:30 Game 5
3:30 – 4:30 Final scoring, awards, tear down

Travis Winter
Source Comics & Games
Miniature Games Event Coordinator
(763) 489-8033