So as promised here is the first batch of my Corsair army. The paint scheme was thought up vaguely over a long time (I knew I wanted purple) but the actual colours were decided in Games Workshop from their new range of paints. Whilst painting however the scheme grew and evolved to include a lot more grey and pink than I imagined but I like how it is now. 

All together
The Felarch (Exarch basically but with 3 attacks!)
The Lasblaster crew

The models took several hours to model as I wanted to challenge myself for my Duke of Edinburgh but it really paid off when coming to paint them, I could just drybrush lots as I had used greenstuff to make things stand out. Also, the new paints, they are really nice and thick with cool colours but I don't see what the fuss is about, my old paints are fine and I have hundreds of them mostly full so why should I spend more on nothing? The ones I did get were nice and I'm glad I got them but I wouldn't get any more besides the specialised ones. 

Oh and lastly, my favourite quote for this army:

'Their arrogance is matched only by their firepower'