So a change of tact for today's ramblings, as I'm going to do some predicting for the 40K releases for the rest of the year. The reason for this is quite simply as GW has become really good at keeping all of it's forthcoming projects under wraps, the rumor mill has ground to a halt. Also I'm quite curious wherever I can guess correctly based upon what I know of GW.

So here are my predictions for what is coming out for the rest of 2012 for Warhammer 40,000. I want to stress that these aren't rumors and are guesses.

May 2012
This is probably the most difficult one as we are so close to seeing what GW will release anyway as White Dwarf is out next week. I have however seen some of the rumors that people have heard and too be honest I do agree with them. I think we will see a wave of Necron Models next month. The reason for this is quite simple, the main Necron release was about six months ago and it gives GW chance to get a second burst of sales for the range. I think we will see a couple of vehicle kits (the Scythes) and probably the Tomb Blades. I think then we will see some Finecast kits, most likely the Wraiths.

June 2012
For 40K I think that this will be a very quiet month as I'm expecting to see the 6th edition released in July. So for releases I would expect to see a couple of more Necron kits, most likely Special Characters and lots of hints about something special coming in July (i.e. the 6th edition)

July 2012
This is the month many people will have been waiting for! Warhammer 40K, 6th edition will hit the streets. I would expect to see what we have seen over the years and we will have a special edition copy (I guess £75-80), some special accessorizes (counters, measuring tools, dice) and of course the Hardback book majority of people will buy. Rules wise, I have no idea what we will see but I have a feeling that it will follow some of the trends set with the 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy (i.e. a section covering a lot of the special rules in one place and probably we will see percentages being used in list design) and we will see some FAQs to cover the changes for the codexes. I think we will see some big changes, and I expect to see lots of nods to the 1st and 2nd editions of the game (either in background or rules. For example we may see a Overwatch ability comeback in some form).

August 2012
This will be a quiet month for 40K as they will still be selling the new rulebook. I suspect that we will probably see some splash releases such as a squad and transport bundle. On another note, I'm going to stick my neck out and I see Team USA doing very well in the ETC (assuming that they are going this year of course!)

September 2012
This is UK Games Day month, so things get a bit squiffed in regards for releases. However I am expecting the first codex release of the 6th edition. At the moment all signs point towards this being Dark Angels (see white dwarf spine and the start paint set for clues). I'm expecting a Hardback Codex as the new Warhammer Army books have been well received in general and I'm expecting the Dark Angel theme to be a bit more focused about them not trusting anybody, including themselves! So in this I imagine we will see more Chaplains to keep an eye on everybody and we will probably see them as either a upgrade to a unit or as a wolfguard style unit.

October 2012
I'm expecting to see the boxed set out in October for a couple of reasons. Firstly we see half term in the UK, so a good reason bring a big release out as all the kids are off school and need to be entertained, but also because it allows GW to have big sales in what is seen as a quiet month. I'm expecting the box set to be Dark Angels and a Xeno race (either Eldar or Tau). Reasons for this is quite simply because I'm fairly sure we will see Dark Angels in the set to cover the Space Marine element in the set but I think we will see a alien race as their opponents rather than Chaos as the rumors suggest. Reason for this is that Chaos at the moment is a bit too similar to how Space Marines work, and I can't see GW changing them that drastically. Plus as well it shows players that this is a sci-fi game by having aliens in it rather than two factions which are very similar.

November 2012
November will herald the next Codex which I suspect will be the opposing faction in the boxed set (so with my guesses Tau or Eldar).

December 2012
This month will not have many new releases (apart from the Hobbit!) and will be set for GW to try and make a load of sales in time for Christmas.

So that's my guesses for the 40K release schedule for this year. So as a quick summary I'm expecting a Necron wave, 6th edition rules, Dark Angels, 6th edition boxed set and another 40K codex. This may be completely wrong as GW will also be doing another Warhammer Fantasy release and of course their game for the Hobbit film. I also wouldn't be surprised if we see another limited release but considering how poorly received Dreadfleet was, it will probably be a updated version of a back catalog game.