Welcome back to another mind numbing edition of the Sunday Wrap up. This week I'm a little better prepared having gathered my thoughts more coherently, although some of you who know me may laugh at the thought of me being coherent. Either way, let's get into it!

Maximising Your Rhino
Here was a fantastic little article over at From The Warp how to magnetise your Rhinos to get the most out of your models. As always, it was an informative article that gave me a little more food for thought, but an even nicer touch was the inclusion of a link to some templates for extra armour plates for the Rhinos. Get over there and check out the article and download yourself a copy of the armour templates.

Knights of Baal
Sometimes I'm a little late on catching up with things, and this is the case with this post from Fritz. I love Space Marine on the PS3 and being a Blood Angel am a little bummed that I can't join Fritz and Jawaballs as they're on Xbox. Having said that it's time to answer the call battle brothers.

Lest We Forget.
On April 25th, here in Australia it's ANZAC day. It's a day to remember our service men and woman who have served this country and the fallen who never made it home. April 25th is the day that Australian and New Zealand forces landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915. Thanks to the blunders of the British Admiralty over 8000 men, and boys as young as 16, lost their lives.

Internet Slowdown.
I discovered that somehow I managed to go over my Internet download limit which has seen my connection speed dropped from 20,000Kbps to 256Kbps. As I keep an eye on my usage I decided to look into what has happened. The best explanation I can come up with is that my router wasn't as secured as I was lead to believe it was, so I've gone back to my older Belkin router which gives me a lot more reporting and seems to be a hell of a lot more secure.

So with the Internet running at the pace of a startled snail until May 8th, when my account resets, that concludes this weeks Sunday Wrap up. I don't imagine I'll be doing another one now until May 13th.
See you on the flip side.