Well after letting this blog sit way too long without updates, it's time to get things rolling. Now that I am back in school, this will be a great place to keep up on my work and start using html more. I have a ton of painted stuff to post up as soon as I can take more pictures.
One of the major things I am doing right now is going on a buying freeze after I get 35 points of Khador. I will no longer buy any miniatures till I paint a army for every system I play. I have sold my Chaos Marines so I do not even have a painted 40k army. Right now I am finishing my Lothlorien army for Lord of the Rings. Then I plan on doing a 40k unit then a fantasy unit. After that I will work on either some Warmachine or Malifaux. I will continue to keep this up till all of it is painted. Not buying anything will be hard, but if I can get everything painted I will feel better about my collection. I will keep this update with my progress. Wish me luck!