Having just blogged about my existing projects, I was inspired to revisit my Tank Company and move it forward. From a painting viewpoint it's a relatively easy project. I intend to mainly paint the models with sprays and washes, and won't be too worried about the details.

However I'm theming the army on WWII Russians, so I have acquired some tank rider models to attach to the Russes - probably using magnets. I also intend to replace all the Cadian heads with Russian heads from West Wind Miniatures. Its going to take me a while to get around to ordering those, but meanwhile I can move forward with painting the tanks.

What I'm really happy about is the new list I have come up with. It's always been my goal to squeeze 6 Leman Russ into a 1500 point list. My earlier versions were hampered by trying to include Pask and mechanise the troop selections, reducing me to only 5 Russes which was dissatisfying.

Recently I read a blog post where the writer praised his IG army for not including any AV 12. Just guardsmen and Russes. I liked the idea of denying my opponent an efficient target for his missile spam, so pulled out the old Guard codex and had a go. This is what I've come up with.

Russes and Blobs (1500)
Company Command Squad - standard, officer of the fleet, grenade launchers (100)
Infantry Platoon (200)    Platoon Command - grenade launcher
    2 x 10 Guardsmen - meltagun, lascannon
Infantry Platoon (200)
    Platoon Command - grenade launcher
    2 x 10 Guardsmen - melta gun, lascannon
Leman Russ Squadron (315)
    Battle Tank - heavy flamer
    Battle Tank - lascannon1
Leman Russ Squadron (315)
    Battle Tank - heavy flamer
    Battle Tank - lascannon
Leman Russ Squadron (370)
    Punisher - heavy bolter, heavy bolter sponsons
    Battle Tank - heavy bolter, heavy bolter sponsons

So first of all, YAY! 6 Russes in 1500, with the necessary scoring support and some more anti-tank in there too. Secondly I have ALL the models for this. They are assembled right now (ok, the weapons teams are blue-tacked) and sitting in my IG box ready to throw on the table. Notice how tight I am for points - I'd love to add a few additional special weapons to those command squads.

I've been forced to drop Pask, which is a pity, but I really like the feel of the minimal infantry platoons packed with lascannons. The standard should see them holding their ground from shooting casualties, an they should flee from assault - letting me let loose on the assaulter with battle cannons. The officer of the fleet is there to help cover the weak mobility of this list - outflankers and deep strikers can quickly threaten the tank battle line, when I really want the enemy to match forwards across the table into withering fire.

One alternative would be to add a couple of power swords to one of the blobs, downgrading them to auto-cannons to pay for it. But for now I'll see how I go with the list as is.

Give me another 250 points however, and I can really start covering my weaknesses :)

Russes and Blobs (1745)
Company Command Squad - standard, officer of the fleet, lascannon (115)
Infantry Platoon (325)    Platoon Command - 3 flamers
    10 Guardsmen - meltagun, auto-cannon, power sword, commissar

    2 x 10 Guardsmen - meltagun, auto-cannon, power sword

Infantry Platoon (210)    Platoon Command - 3 grenade launcher
    2 x 10 Guardsmen - melta gun, lascannon
Leman Russ Squadron (315)    Battle Tank - heavy flamer
    Battle Tank - lascannon1
Leman Russ Squadron (315)
    Battle Tank - heavy flamer
    Battle Tank - lascannon
Leman Russ Squadron (465)
    Punisher - Commander Pask, heavy bolter, heavy bolter sponsons, heavy stubber, dozer blade
    Battle Tank - heavy bolter, heavy bolter sponsons

So I've returned to Pask, who is awesome in a Punisher. He makes it a great anti-tank vehicle and makes the heavy stubber a good buy. I've given him a dozer blade to protect my investment, especially as he may want to move forward.

I've upgraded one of the blobs substantially, with an extra squad, power swords and a commissar. As they may want to move (like charging Tau!) I've downgraded the lascannons in this squad to auto-cannons, which saves a few points. With the remaining points I upgraded the armament of the various command squads.

There is one thing I'm unsure of. Is it worth scrimping on points in order to upgrade the Commissar to a Lord Commissar? With a camo cloak he gives the whole blob Stealth which is cheesy but damn good! Still it's a stupid rule and I'm loathe to use it. I'll give the above a go and see what happens...