Looks like I will get some practice games in today. I'm hoping to try a modified list. I'm thinking of running Lysander and Vulcan in my 1850.

The List

5 Th/SS Termies
Land Raider Redeemer with MM
Ironclad with HF
Dreadnought with MM and HF ( new addition)
5 tactical marines, razorback with twin lascannon
5 tactical marines, razorback with twin lascannon
5 scouts with cammo cloaks, combi melta
Land Speeder Storm with MM
Vindi, siege shield
Vindi, siege shield

I'm light on troops but I really liked having Lysander at MageCon. I also liked Clint's Dreads and want to try the second one out in my list. other option is to go speeder and attack bike instead, or a libby.

I hope to get some pictures of our games and maybe a write up of them.