Grabbed a pot of Sycorax Bronze this week and tried a different scheme for my minotaurs. The model on the left is the previous scheme with Hashut Copper, the model on the right is the latest scheme with Sycorax Bronze:

What do people think? Which one looks better? Its simply Screaming Bell over a black undercoat, followed by a couple of thin layers of Sycorax Bronze and a Reikland Fleshshade wash. Also had a go at highlighting it with Mithril Silver (haven't got the new version yet):

Im not sure about this. Highlighted it very quick with a big brush - which may have something to do with the starkness of the highlight, but I think Mithril Silver is a bit to much of a contrast. I would rather have an 'out-of-pot' highlight colour though, as I need the army to be consistent throughout. Hmm... any ideas what colour I should use to highlight? Maybe a gold rather than silver?

I want my new Minotaurs to look rugged and worn rather than spangly and fresh (like my BA). Especially being so shiny in the first place. So I had a go at the weathering/chip effect that was in last month White Dwarf Space Wolves painting section. I used Mithril Silver again to begin with, then Scorched Brown (the old version of Rhinox Hide that was in the tutorial):

Turned out OK, but I think the chips need to be thinner! Very rugged though. I also bought some FW weathering powder and some isopropyl to try some weathering on my BA tanks.... so expect a post on that soon!

Darth Meer