Looking over the models I have, this is the list I plan on taking to the first of these monthly tournaments that the FLGS is hosting later this month.  Keep in mind that the goal of the tournament is to introduce new players to tournament game play.  They aren't meant to be super competitive WAAC type games (though inevitably I will make it that way against whomever I play simply because I like a good competition)

Belial - Lightning Claws

Deathwing Squad 1 - Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, Cyclone, Chainfist, 1 pair of Lightning Claws, Apothecary
Deathwing Squad 2 - Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, Cyclone, Chainfist,
Deathwing Squad 3 - Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, Cyclone, Chainfist, 

Fast Attack
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Multi-melta, typhoon missiles
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Multi-melta, typhoon missiles

Heavy Support
Land Raider Crusader
Predator - Twin-lascannon turret, pintle storm bolter
Predator - Twin-lascannon turret, pintle storm bolter

Seems kind of hard at 1500 points, lots of armor, lots of missiles, lots of powerfists and who is going to suspect 15 terminators?  Mind you if I run up against melta/plasma/power weapon spam I'm screwed.  Could be worse, I could have taken 5 squads of hammernators with cyclones I suppose (thankfully for the opposition I don't have that many painted hammernators.... yet).

Should be competitive enough yet not cheesy enough to dissuade new tournament players.  I originally planned to run with two land raiders, but figured that would be over the top; and it doesn't help the second land raider isn't fully painted.  The second land raider is a scratch built model and I am in the process of adding rivets and details to it (it is painted except for the minor details).