Hi everyone,

One of the great things about wargaming in 15mm, is that you can build up armies quickly, simply and efficiently.  There is no need to paint in details of every single miniature.  One can paint in block colours with a quick wash to tie up the figure.  The results are visually pleasing on a unit scale rather than a miniature level.

The unit of Dwarven veterans was painted up over two evenings. The models are from the old Grenadier Models that are now produced by Mirliton Miniatures.  I spent a total of 5 hours on it.  Now for me that is quick, considering that I have always been a slow painter.  I think the unit looks quite acceptable for gaming purposes on an army level.

This ease of preparation allows the gamer to focus more on actually wargaming rather than painting.  It is also ideal for those that do not enjoy or are not very good at painting, to build up armies that are visually stunning in a short time with very little hassle.

I will be posting more units of my army as I finish them off, and I am also thinking about writing up a post about the actually wargaming in 15mm and its advantages.  I hope you all find it interesting.

Well that's all for today, and as always -

Farewell and good health,
