I think we can all agree the tyranids are on the bottom tier of armies at this point. Why than do people still have to post and feel the need to post "how to beat tyranids with IG, GK, or Space wolves"??? Really you can't beat a a super nerfed codex with your bag-o-tricks dexes. Maybe you should play other top tier dex's and get used to hard battles ( no games are auto wins ). Now there are great nid players that will give everyone a run for the money but they start off handicapped. Another great player with codex "X" should be able to win. C'mon guys! Maybe they should title these articles" How to badly beat the worst dex with your good dex so you feel better" . WE GET IT, YOU CAN BEAT A POOR CODEX EASILY and HERE'S HOW IF U CAN'T STAND TO MAYBE LOSE.
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