Hey there folks! Just a quick update on my part to give you an idea on what I'm working at the moment. I have Dante pretty much base coated, a razorback/rhino build (pics at the bottom of the page), a drop pod 90% painted (pics are gonna be up in a couple of days), a total of 5 skeletons painted (out of a hundred -.-) and three more weapons for my dreadnought are in the works. I still have 8 more Assault Marines, a Furioso Librarian and a Baal Predator to build, so I can keep busy for weeks. Well at least until Guild Wars 2 is out. I can't wait for that game to come out!!! 

Anyway here are a few pics of the rhino/razorback I mentioned above. He's fully magnetized and has the forgeworld Blood Angel doors and frontplate.

I really love the dozer blade which I took from the Imperial Chimera I build a few months ago.