In a break from normal proceedings I bring you a link to a PDF courtesy of Wayland Games here in the UK which has a full list of the UK price changes to Games Workshop prodcuts. I can't speak to how these exchange up in foreign... but I don't expect it to be pretty.

Follow the White Rabbit

To be honest and fair, I think that many of the prices are still pretty reasonable. But this price rise won't be remembered for those products, it will be remembered for the +60% rise on the modular movement trays, or the +30% rise on the most popular battle forces (Space Marines included!)

Modular Trays: £6.15 > £10.00!
Space Marine Battleforce: £60 > £80!!!
Stormraven: £41 > £50!!!

There are some real shockers.

You'll also see rises to the brushes and some other tools which, whilst relatively reasonable in and of themselves, now represent a final price which is far in excess of other similar products available in the market. There is little reason to buy these from your Games Workshop now.

Aside from those points though, many of the other products are still relatively "reasonably" priced... for Games Workshop at least.

I want to know what YOU think about the price changes though... please leave a comment.