Redscorps named his Storm Talon, figured I'd do the same with mine.  With the fact I went with a Skyhammer Missile option and this looks like some kind of insect I went for 'Hornet Class'.

As a follow up to the excellent work from Redscorps I wanted to post my more basic conversion.  My big issue with the Storm Talon was the off balance weapons hanging off the front.  As a fix for that I went for a more Apache like look with weapon pods on the side.

I left the rest alone, I'm kind of entertained by the tiny, stubby hull that is the Storm Talon.  It looks like a heavily armored bee.  The weapon pods are just rectangles of thick plasticard.  I had a lot of left over missiles from various IG tanks so I built those up on a launch frame.  I was originally going to hang the missiles underneath, but that would have made the weapon pods a little too long.  Instead I went with the missiles on top and the TLAC (a smaller set from the Dark Angel sprues) underneath.  It does put the missiles a little closer to the engines than I'd like, but It'll do for now.  To patch up the front I just used a saw to give me a flat surface and a couple more bits of plasticard and some green stuff dealt with the rest.  I still need to clean the greenstuff up a bit, but otherwise this is now ready to paint.

Hope you like it
