Hello everyone.
Today is a very special day for Elliot and myself. We are on the brink of 6000 hits on our blog, something that neither of us had ever thought would happen. Our little slice of the internet, being viewed by people in 10 countries scattered across the globe. Who would've guessed? This message is a thank-you to all those who have viewed and stuck with this blog in it's many incarnations and through dull spots where we haven't been posting. We can't express our gratitude fully, but here's our best attempt.
The ED Wargaming 6000 hits Painting and Modelling Contest!
That's right, we are putting together a contest where you the fans can paint up your best model and send it in to us; Elliot and I will be the judges of the models and will pick the winners! A
And there will be prizes! The final details are not yet set for the prizes, but there will be a good amount of ED Wargaming swag for you.

So, on to the rules.
Contest Rules
--Entries are to be one SINGLE non-vehicle model. No tanks, and no squads.
--One entry per person. 
Models are to be modelled and painted in one of the following themes:
--Urban Warfare~ Your miniature has been fighting in the streets, holding his own against the countless enemies. He/She fights for every building, every city block and refuses to back down.
--In the Trenches!~ Your miniature is stationed at the forefront of a long and bloody war. His/her company has dug miles of muddy and sloppy trenches to protect their territory. The daily life of your miniature rarely takes him/her outside of the trenches in which they live and die.
Models that are not themed in one of these categories will not be considered for the prize. 
Anything Goes! Models can be from any miniatures company or they can be self-sculpted; you can use any materials you want to convert/model and paint.
Entries must be submitted by July 25th, 2012 at 12PM EST (GMT -5:00).

Entry Submission guidelines:
At least one (1) Work-in-Progress picture. This is to make sure the model is your own.
One (1) to four(4) finished pictures of your model. Please try to make these as clear as possible to represent your model well!
Include what category the piece will be entered in, as well as a name (optional) and any background (optional).

Winners will be selected based on the following:
Fulfillment of Contest Rules (very important!)
Conversion/Modelling Skill.
Painting Skill and Quality.
Overall Presentation.
Spirit of the Competition.

One winner from each category will be selected by Elliot and myself (Drew).
All submissions will be featured in a blog post at some point.
Remember, you do not have to live in the United States to win!

I look forward to seeing your entries!
Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions: email us at edcommissions@gmail.com
or leave a comment below.

~ED Wargaming~