Drkmorals here and you may know me from such posts as "Just Inject the Forgeworld in my veins" and "How to make WAAC gamer's rage quit" However this week let's get on with the spotlight post.
Our hobby tends to be full of very creative people with mad skillz and talents. Every week I run across several things that are cool, interesting, unique, or awesome. Here is one such post.
This week I wanted to shout out Ron over at From the Warp
From the Warp is a site with a huge following and much like this site has it's roots in the hobby side of the game more than the roll dice and make people cry side. This post jumped out at me as Ron puts together a nice article on converting up combi weapons for Terminators inspired by the Forgeworld kit. Not exactly duplication but a very good how to article on process is always helpful in the hobby community. Not to mention with 6th edition coming terminators should be getting a bit of a boost, so you may be fielding them a bit more often. Great work Ron! How to make terminator combi-weapons
Have a great blog post you want considered for highlight or see something amazing you want to nominate. Feel free to drop me a email Drkmorals AT gmail.com and point me in the right direction for consideration.
MWC Blog Post Spotlight – 03
by Drkmorals | Jun 13, 2012