Hey guys!
Kind of a late update, but when I got home this evening I found that our Let's Paint Episode 1 had finished uploading to YouTube.
A pleasant surprise I found on viewing the video was that it is available in 720p! Yay for our first HD upload (1080p coming soon).
A not so pleasant surprise was that my title were corrupted, leaving us without intro or outro text. I tried to fix that with annotations, apologies in advance.
I hope this will be the first in a long line of Let's Paint videos. There are many things I think that can be improved upon, but I do wish to hear from you all. What do you think of the video? I know it's long, but it hopefully will provide some background to paint to. This longer form setting is new to me, I don't know of any other videos that have explored this. I am exploring options for "livestreams" of us painting, let me know what you think of that idea.
Thanks a lot for viewing this! Please comment below, email us or tweet to us to let us know what you all think of this.
~ED Wargaming~
Let’s Paint Ep1 Incoming!
by E.D. Wargaming | Jun 15, 2012