So like many many others I got my hands on a copy of the 6th ed rulebook and had a good look through it, checked out the amazing psychic powers which are all pretty much amazing and utterly over powered.  One thing confused me however...

What you may ask, well when the rumors came out they showed this image from white dwarf -

Which basically shows the new magic table and which races can take which powers.  Now after a good look through the rulebook for this table I could not find the damn thing anywhere, it does indeed appear that this critical chart is not actually in the main rulebook.  Epic fail games workshop, epic fail.

Then I found it....where this chart actually comes from is a small leaflet inside the magic cards set box, so basically if you want to know which races can use each power, you need to buy that magic cards set, which lets face it is pretty shocking.  So, for all of you that want a complete rule set, don't forget to grab those magic cards....