Feels about like this.

      Hey everybody. So, it turns out doing Grease is hella bad for your hobby times, haha. But I guess I knew that deep down. But anywho, unless you've been living under a rock, you've probly heard 6th Edition is out. So that's cool. I don't have a roolzbook, but I've been snoopin about in the blogosphere and bothering Ben about specifics. All in all, sounds like gunlines are back with a vengence. Kinda sucks since the majority of my armies are Facepunchers. Booo. However, I do have a rather demenuative gunline army that i've been workin' on. 

Guess who's back, bitches!

      That's right, the skelecrons are here! As of yet, I only have a destroyer lord done. I'd have more, but I ran out of 3 outta 4 of the colours I need. Guess I get to try the new paint line. Anywho, here's the first of the awakend Legions of Tomb World Eternia.

 I got this guy off ebay for cheap (gasp!), but he didn't have a flyin' stand.

 So, I improvised. He's pinned to the pillar thingy and I put a secret door to break up the base a little bit.

I tried to position the Mindshackle scarab arm into the best "Cuuurse you, He-Maaaan!" pose.

Well that's it for this instalment of Waaagh! Grimbad. Have fun with your new book, folks. Try not to kill anybody with them. All that paper is heavy!