These are the fruits of several hours of love, labour, glue, green stuff, hot soapy water, a decrepit toothbrush, a deep cut in my thumb and my birthday money. Totally worth it in my opinion!

Both kits (Wasp moreso than Hornet) were fantastic and have given me tons of bits to play about with. The Wasps are amazingly posable and incredibly light, though I regret not realising earlier so I could have given them all crazy light and flexible poses. I cannot wait to shoot down some infantry or better yet flyers with these babies; 24 shots at BS4 and S6 at 36" range is nice.

And on the topic of flyers I have been reading the new rules and played about 8 test games which I all enjoyed. Saim-Hann are going to make a massive comeback and Tyranids have become much more fun. My only few complaint are random charge (I hate it), lack of Skyfire which means flyers are king right now and the fact my brand spanking new Corsairs army list is now without an FAQ/Q&A so they are void.

And I just spent all that money on void models.... well played GW.... well played....