![Badab Bloggers Group](https://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv260/Silar_photos/badab-1.jpg)
Badab Bloggers
How exciting another armies on parade post. And it from one of our newest members too! So sit back relax and have a good read.
2) Why did you choose that force?
I am a huge fan of the Forge World books and fell in love with the Red Scorpions after reading The Anphelion Project. The color scheme, especially of the vehicles, really appealed to me. I simply have a knee jerk reaction against painting Blood Angels or Ultrmarines and would rather work on a less iconic army. The Forge World book stills gives plenty of fluff support while leaving me room to let my own creativity loose.
3) What is the current size and composition of the army? What restrictions have you self imposed etc...and what you have.
Heh - as it stands, my army is all of 500-points. I am working on a 'Tale of One Gamer' series and building TWO armies at once by alternating months (the second being Tyranids). My initial goal was a 'Battleforce' in a month which in the case of my Red Scorpions took the form of the models from the Assault on Black Reach box set...
One of my self imposed restrictions at this stage is to paint models I have on hand rather than buying tons of stuff (with the exception so far of Red Scorpion shoulder pads and a brass icon sprue).
4) What would you like to add?
The second round of painting for the Red Scorpions is July 2012 (this month). First up will be the goal of making this a table legal force with the addition of a second Troops choice - a Scout Squad armed with boltguns. I'm also going to add a squad of Vanguard Veterans and a Command Squad. I'm painting with the goal of seeing what I can get done in a month rather than any point total so I haven't run the numbers or picked all of the options yet, but I should be 800-1000 points by the end of July. I will be adding another round in September and November with the goal of reaching 2000 points by the end of the final month!
Working from my self imposed restrictions above, I have plenty of Space Marine and scout sprues, a pair of Drop Pods, a Razorback (destined as a command vehicle, I think), a Tech Marine box set, a Predator, and a Land Raider!
As far as buying new stuff, with the new flyer rules I will seriously consider adding some airborn support. I'd also like to add the new Space Marine Apothecaries Forge World (to use the special rule from the Forge World codex which allows any squad to replace it's sergeant with an apothecary are make the army a little more 'fluffy').
The second round of painting for the Red Scorpions is July 2012 (this month). First up will be the goal of making this a table legal force with the addition of a second Troops choice - a Scout Squad armed with boltguns. I'm also going to add a squad of Vanguard Veterans and a Command Squad. I'm painting with the goal of seeing what I can get done in a month rather than any point total so I haven't run the numbers or picked all of the options yet, but I should be 800-1000 points by the end of July. I will be adding another round in September and November with the goal of reaching 2000 points by the end of the final month!
Working from my self imposed restrictions above, I have plenty of Space Marine and scout sprues, a pair of Drop Pods, a Razorback (destined as a command vehicle, I think), a Tech Marine box set, a Predator, and a Land Raider!
As far as buying new stuff, with the new flyer rules I will seriously consider adding some airborn support. I'd also like to add the new Space Marine Apothecaries Forge World (to use the special rule from the Forge World codex which allows any squad to replace it's sergeant with an apothecary are make the army a little more 'fluffy').
5) Any other thoughts or suggestions.
No one should follow the development of my army as a path to victory on the table! I spend very little time min/maxing and simply tend to add models that interest me (even worse in this case as I am using reserves from my stash!). I probably loose 4 out of 5 times, but my army usually looks damn cool doing it!
Many thanks for a great show and tell Clarence. Very impressive for one months work! And really shows off how good the 5th ed starter set is. Hopefully 6th ed is full of great figures too.
No one should follow the development of my army as a path to victory on the table! I spend very little time min/maxing and simply tend to add models that interest me (even worse in this case as I am using reserves from my stash!). I probably loose 4 out of 5 times, but my army usually looks damn cool doing it!
Many thanks for a great show and tell Clarence. Very impressive for one months work! And really shows off how good the 5th ed starter set is. Hopefully 6th ed is full of great figures too.