About a year ago (time flies it feels like 6 months) I invested in a realm of battle game board, the idea of this board was to paint it red like mars terrain or like Baal the Blood Angels home world.  Well one thing led to another and it got put to one side however its now back with a vengeance and I have painted the rest of it finally.

The initial posts are here and here if you want to see them.  The project may well be one of the longest in history (honestly who take a year to paint a board, I'm so slack its unreal) but now I have a board I can call my own, soon as I get my new house it will have its own area in the spare room inside my man cave.

So here it is, hope you like, what I feel is a rare thing to see, there really aren't that many red boards out there! Be warned it's picture heavy!

 Bit dark in the room annoyingly but can see it clearer as we go down so hang in there!

 A few flash on shots

So there we have it, apologies for it not looking flat, if it's not obvious its laying on my bed as until I move house in a few weeks it doesn't have a home yet.  Overall I'm pleased with it, I did consider painting the rocks a different colour, I really just wanted them highlighted though, at least for now.

Here's some terrain and action shots!

Now looking forward to get some 6ed games going on it when It's happily in my new man cave!