It has been quite a while since my last blog update, funny how real life can take up so much time. I've been spending the last two months working my butt off for my third and final graduation. Still, in between writing and studying I've managed to find some time to give a little something back to the community.

As some of you may have noticed a new charity project has recently launched - the Black Crusade Charity. Following the example of the Storm Wardens and Heroes of Armageddon-campaigns, the project aims to raise funds for charity by selling tickets for a series of prizes as well as a full blown Chaos Space Marine army that is being build by a range of different people from the online community.

One of the main guys running this campaign is Falk from TableTop Fix (link), pretty much my favorite wargaming news site. Way back in the day I was lucky enough to win a Dystopian Wars-set during one of the site's contests. A while back I ended up with a Mantic Undead Warhost set and felt I could return the favour by donating it as a prize for a future contest. The set ended up being the first prize for the Black Crusade give-away.

Quite frankly I felt I could be doing something more than just donating a random, abide cool, prize, so I offered to build an extra squad for the grand Chaos Space Marine army. Turns out there was a lack of Tzeentch-themed materials, as a result I'm now in the midst of putting together a Black Legion squad of Thousand Sons.

I happily discovered that Lamenter from the Master of the Forge blog (link) would be tackling the second Tzeentch entry in the army - a Chaos Sorceror on Disc. And I have to say, he has done a terrific job putting together a great character:
Pic courtesy of Lamenter
Figuring it would enhance the feel of this segment of the army I've decided to use a lot of similar design element as Lamenter has used. In addition, I'll be using the same Black Legion-variant colourscheme. So that means lots of horned helmets, vertical lines and robes for the next week or two, as well as a few interesting blog posts.

Managed to squeeze in some hobby time this past weekend and got a very decent start on the Thousand Sons squad (click pic for a closer look):

They're not quite there yet with still quite a few holes, gapes and sculpting needing to be taken care off. The bases also need some extra attention as the original Secret Weapon set (Bone Fields) seems to have gotten lost in the mail.....damned liberalized market! Still, nothing I can't handy with a handful of leftover skulls and skeletons!

The squad consists of 9 Rubric Marines and a Sorcerer to lead the bunch. In addition, one of the regular Thousand Sons also carries with him a standard or Icon. So, if the lucky winner would want to field that as regular Chaos Space Marines with a Tzeentch Icon. And when used as the real deal it just adds a bit of extra flavor to the unit. Though, looking at the new 6th edition rules, I for one would stick with Thousand Sons  ;-)

More details following later in the week. In the mean time, any and all comments and feedback are of course very welcome. Want to both push my 'skills' to the max and put together a unit the lucky winner will be able to enjoy for a long time!