It's been almost a whole year since I wrote last....holy crap!

Well, I guess that's what happens when you fall out of gaming and painting for awhile. I pretty much hit a slump as I really wasn't into the gaming and painting anymore for a long time. I was so busy with work that I just couldn't find the time to do any gaming or painting. Plus having our first son really put me behind with time to do anything for myself. There is no time, well let me rephrase that, not enough time to do the things that I want to do. Most of the time I'm helping feed the baby, change the baby, play and spend time with the baby....all of which I believe are more important than playing with toy soldiers, but I guess I just lost track of time and how much I really did enjoy gaming and painting.

I still don't know if I have the time to play much as I only have one day during the week, but with the new 6th edition out, I might as well try. So that being said, I was speaking with Jawa and had a plan. He is starting a new Lamenters Marine army and I figured that I should start an army as well. This way I can feel like that we are both painting an army and building a competitive army from scratch. Who knows, maybe if I can make time, I might try to go with Jawa or Fritz to a competition. That's a big maybe though :)

Hopefully I can stick to it this time and actually finish something. I guess I'll have to ask Jawa and Fritz to get on my ass about it every once in awhile to press me into finishing it. I hate not finishing, but I also hate doing repetitive things, example...keeping up with a blog and posting consistently (if you haven't noticed LOL.)

So what army do you guys think I should start and try to finish. Not a generic one, but a competitive army list. Maybe something like 2000pts or something.