This week will be a mish-mash of stuff in a single post so bear with me and keep reading.  I've been stressed with work and I am travelling next week and that explains the weak blog presence.   First up we have my current projects and my progress on said projects.  After that I will go over my little contest which is free for everyone to enter.  Lastly, like usual, I will address future blog posts currently under construction.

So read on and see towards the bottom for the contest!
So what have I been working on?  Well, as past pictures have hopefully shown I am practically buried under a sea of bare plastic and metal.  The majority of these items are all assembled, but they require paint.  So I've been trying to paint some random bits and pieces when I have time.  Some of these miniatures have been posted in previous blog posts but I rarely drew attention to them.

Just briefly, I know these photos are dark.  I didn't have time to set up my photo booth so I rigged something up instead.  I'll try and get better photos taken when I get back from my work trip.

First up let's talk about my favorite army, Skaven.  In the past few weeks I've assembled my 2nd Warp Lightning Cannon.  This is technically my third but I either misplaced my 2nd or someone walked off with it so I needed to replace it.  I've also painted up my Plague Priest, taken from the Plague Furnace and mounted on a 20x20mm base.  I've also painted up a warpfire thrower weapon team from the Isle of Blood box.


Keeping with Warhammer Fantasy I painted, or at least started, a number of random figures.  First up is the Dark Emissary. I have always loved this figure and when it came out in finecast I couldn't resist.  I don't often play Storm of Magic but when I do, I like taking a Dark Emissary.  Next up is an empire warrior priest.  I've painted him up in the colors of Sigmar but I think my actual army will use different colors to represent one of the other gods.  Lastly, I started the Ogre Firebelly and the Dark Elf Sorceress (of which I forgot to snap a picture).  The Firebelly will appear in a future blogpost detailing a step-by-step process.




Next let's take a quick look at Warmahordes.  I don't often play this game but I do like the miniatures and I'm really drawn to my respective factions.  So I finally started work on my Retribution models.  Obviously I decided to start with my warcaster first and work from there.  Retribution will take a lot of work if this figure is any indication.  I just have too many infantry since I run her theme list usually.  Also for Warmachine I started work on one of my favorite PP figures of all time, epic Haley.



For Warhammer 40k I've been trying to align my efforts to reflect the new rules, particularly those concerning allies.  For Space Marines I'm thinking Imperial Guard and for Eldar I'm doing Dark Eldar, I'll explain my reasoning in later posts.

First up we have my newly built Dark Eldar Scourges.  I'm going for a full squad of 10 with Haywire Blasters but to fit the fluff of my army, they need to be all male.  Of course the added bonus is that I have leftover female bodies which I used to make a few additional kaballite warriors.



Next we have my IG master of ordinance which was the forgeworld show figure from a few years back.  He's technically a titan princeps but if you can't rely on a titan regiment to provide covering fire who can you rely on?


Sticking with that theme are some random guardsmen from the same army.  


Lastly, I have my Void Knight veteran.  He is a slightly converted forgeworld boarding marine (show figure again).  Painting him up made me really want to do a whole army of these guys (Custom chapter following the Black Templar rules).


Alright, now the part that everyone actually wants to read...

The Contest!

Contest Rules
  1. You must follow this blog.  Just click "Follow" off on the right-hand side.
  2. Post in the comments section of THIS blog post as described below.
    1. Answer the question, "What is your favorite miniature and why?".
    2. The miniature can be from any manufacturer, for any game system.  Indeed, it doesn't even need a game system.
    3. Keep the comments profanity free and the miniatures in good taste.  I don't care if the miniatures are completely nude, as long as they are not involved in "lewd acts".
    4. Links to pictures are not necessary but are appreciated.
  3. All comments must be in by 11:59PM Saturday July 28th, 2012.

Only 1 lucky person will be the winner this time around!  The lucky winner will be drawn at random provided they met the criteria listed above.

Grand Prize - Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook (Still in shrink-wrap)

All comments & submission will must be entered by 11:59PM Saturday July 28th, 2012.

A winner will be drawn and announced Sunday July 29th, 2012 where I will also announce my favorite figures.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for their favorite miniatures!  Have fun with this guys and I'll see everything when I get back from my trip!

After the contest wrap-up I have a few articles I'm working on.  We'll see Skaven Tactica part V involving ranked units and how to use them.  I also have one on 6th edition allies.  Another article will go in-depth with a step-by-step process for painting an Ogre Firebelly.  I am finally rolling out my conversion corner series with articles about my Tomb Kings chariot and my Skaven Warlord on Bonebreaker.  Finally, I will have an update on my dive into historical miniature wargaming.  All that and more in the coming weeks!!!