Needs some freehand |
Wyches will die if looked at funny in 6th as overwatch and blown up vehicles will decimate squads before they even reach the fight. I've grown tired of relying on 1 blaster warrior squads in venoms.
I became happy with my changes in eilte, fast attack and heavy but spent days tinkering with my troop selection to get something i liked and contribute some how with the rest of my forces and eventually settled down with this:
Baron sathonyx - 105
haemonculus, venom blade - 55
4x trueborn, 2x lances - 98
4x trueborn, 2x lances, venom - 163
3x wracks, venom - 95
3x wracks, venom - 95
3x wracks, venom - 95
9x warriors, raider, splinter racks - 151
5x Scourges, 2x haywire - 130
3x Beastmasters, 5x kymera, 4x razorwing - 156
ravager, lances - 105
ravager, lances - 105
Razorwing jetfighter - 145
Wracks are for cheap access to venoms and last minute objective grabbing and the warriors I wasn't happy with until my last game with tyranids where they were suprisingly good at grounding flying MCs.