Final updates to Bignutt's Pathfinder game.  What a ride that was!  What have we learned?  The Wargate doesn't care for meddling Pathfinders...

Return of the Kobold King

Shadow grips the Darkmoon Vale as we return to Golarion.  This is the adventure log for this Pathfinder campaign, brought to you by your fantastic GM, Bignutt!  We'll enter adventure summaries and other important info here when it comes to light in the campaign.

In this campaign we will continue of the original Pathfinder adventure paths, and become very familiar with the basic rulebook.  This is our first real foray into Golarion, so

Cast of Heroes

At the outset of the new campaign, many new heroes join the party to replace those who have fallen.  We'll update this roster to be as current as possible.

Updated 7.15.12
  1. Brother Mentok
  2. Kaleb
I'm fairly certain everyone else is dead, if not they were playing a brand new character.

Session Log
  1. Death of the Kobold King - A party of adventurers forms in Falcon's Hollow to explore the ancient ruins in the Darkmoon Vale.  Inside, they fight to recover the village's children from the clutches of an evil cult.  This adventure took place mostly during the last campaign, and the first session of this one.  From the ruins in the old forest, very few of our brave band live to return to the surface.  
  2. The Burning of Falcon's Hollow - It doesn't take long for things to get out of hand when several militant clergy of Iomedae travel past the outskirts of Falcon's Hollow.  In short order, a few important people find themselves dead, and the town has to summon up the entire militia in order to deal with the rampaging worshiippers of the goddess.  In the process, a few buildings burn.
  3. Night at the Inn - Another set of adventurers is put in an awkward situation at an inn, which leads to threats of severance of toes and legs.  After a short spat in the inn, the sheriff demands the party stay the night at the inn...
  4. The Assassin Vine - The next morning, a treasure hunter accuses the party of destroying his magical map, and tries to have local law enforcement intervene.
  5. Death to Pathfinders - The party rejects the Pathfinder Society by cutting off a head or two.


Updated 7.15.12
  1. Kaleb has returned to Falcon's Hollow with the children safely!
  2. Kaleb and Brother Mentok survive the campaign!