
Hey, guys. 

As I write this it's the sixth of August. Almost (exactly) two months since the INQvitational. I've had very little time to do anything in the meantime, and the modelling and playing of GW games definitely fell by the wayside somewhat. 

In the interim, I've managed to finish my final term of my NQT year, meaning that I'm a qualified teacher - this is a good thing. Even if it has meant that I'm tragically short on time! Whilst the rest of my colleagues enjoyed the summer holiday, I volunteered to help run a summer school - whilst it paid well, it has meant that I've been totally wiped out! 

Well, now my summer holiday has started - and SWMBO and I are going to be moving in with one another shortly. In truth this means that many of my hobbying activities are going to be dramatically curtailed, because she has very little tolerance for them. 

However, this is the INQ28 blog, not the "trials and tribulations of Molotov's life" blog, so I'm keen that this continue to provide as much a resource for the INQ28 community as possible. I hope - over the course of this week - to post a bit of a retrospective entry regarding the successes and legacies of the INQvitational.

Keravin is due to host an INQ28 event in Leeds, which ties into the INQvitational, so I will be trying to help him out somewhat. I also received a very interesting email the other day, so hopefully I will have some things to share with you all soon.