Greetz one and all,
It’s been a while since I posted, an increase of work load in real life and a chronicle lack of time made blogging and indeed hobbying in general as good as impossible the last two months.  I’m not making any promises for the coming weeks or even months, but I’m trying to get things a bit back to usual so I can make the model count happy again :o) (with the coming 6th ed box I guess he’ll freak out in a few weeks :o)

What I did learn in the last few weeks is that if time is scares I’d better not get painting.  If I do want to get some hobby time in during a time shortage; converting is much more my thing.  When painting I need to invest several hours at once to get some satisfaction, with converting a bread is necessary to let the greenstuff cure, and gives time for more inspiration.  Reevaluating a conversion makes the flaws apparent, I guess the same is to be told of a painting process, but when painting (for me) it much more a continues prosses.  I can see the fault and I correct it.  I always catch myself admiring a evenings worth of converting just before I turn out the lights.  But more on that by next week I hope.  I’m currently working on some blood angel projects that need my attention and then some paint ;o)