I'll get some pics up tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to post up some progress and motivate myself for the upcoming hobby binge of Flames of War and 40K. For FoW, I painted the last four Rifle/MG teams today. This finishes 1st Platoon 100%- huzzah! I also managed to assemble, putty, prime, and basecoat my Divisional AT Gun Platoon of PaK36 guns. Muy bueno.

I've decided 100% that once this army is done, I'm going to make my final, well overdue push to get my Death Korps of Krieg finished. The initial 1500 point army is detailed below, with a nice start I might add!

Really, there's not a whole lot left to do to at least get my army on the table and rolling some dice.

I'll get another post done on Monday with full pics and details of the progress so far. Until next time....