We appear to be on the final straight!  I'm actually on course for an early finish at least a few days ahead of the deadline, which would amaze the people at work, not to mention the guys at the Ancible... 

The Watcher actually is finished, and I'm definitely happy with the result:

I had something of a minor panic with this chap as the spray varnish left a chalky finish - usually a second coat fixes this, but this time it didn't!  Thankfully a glaze of the new GW Bloodletter Red Glaze fixed it, and I need to carefully apply another coat of varnish to seal that in. I hate it when stuff like that happens, but very glad to have the wherewithal to fix it.

The base, a fantastic addition by The Dark Templar was fairly easy to paint (stone usually is to be fair) - a base coat of Charadon Granite, shaded with Nuln Oil, then dry-brushed with Adeptus Battle Grey, Codex Grey, Dheneb Stone, and finally white.  I then pooled Thraka Green or Gryphonne Sepia in the recesses of the rock to add some colour and variation.

Having applied the glaze fix, I decided that the lenses would benefit from a little gloss varnish - I think it works, what do you guys think?  With the Watcher finished (aside from a nervous final varnish) it's time for Hoffman to step into the limelight:

Hoffman himself (sans harness) is finished, the shirt, was actually a little easier than I thought it would be (I hate painting white), just a base coat of Dheneb Stone, and then adding increasing amounts of Ceramite White (which is fantastic I have to say) until a final pure white highlight - simples!  The goggle lenses may need a little more work, I'm not sure yet. 

A quick shot of the back shows the leg braces - I cheated a bit here, a base coat of Leadbelcher was washed with Nuln Oil, and because it looked so good already, I left it like that.  The base is simple grey washed with Nuln Oil again and dry-brushed through the greys up to white.  I may just use a little Gryphonne Sepia and Thraka Green to add a little colour in places.

The final picture is a little WIP shot of the harness:

It's still early days here, and it will need some more work, but I think I'm close to the effect I'm going for - I'm trying to keep it fairly neutral so it doesn't draw too much attention away from Hoffman himself, but have enough variation to stop it looking dull and bland.

As always, comments and criticism are very welcome!

Michael Awdry has completed his two models (he's a speed merchant), and they look bloody fantastic check - them out in all their glory here
The Dark Templar is matching my pace (thankfully) and done some fantastic work with a difficult colour, yellow.  His latest post is here

Also check out the Dark Templars blog for details on why we're doing this, and how you can contribute to Cancer Research UK