Just a quick entry today, but I just want to say congratulations and well done to England at the ETC event over the weekend. For those of you who have no idea what the ETC is, essentially it's a massive tournament where teams of eight from various different countries play each other. Because it's a team event it works slightly differently to a normal tournament, as teams match up players to play each other. This results in teams having different styles of armies where some are designed to all out win whilst others are designed for bad match ups and are expected to loose the game but not give away to many points.

So without further ado, England had a Warhammer Fantasy Team and a Warhammer 40K Team this year (and I think a Flames of War one but I'm not sure about that). The Fantasy Team were looking at winning the event but lost two rounds against the teams who came first and second, but they ended up with a well deserved third place! And to top it off, the 40K Team smashed everybody and took first place, giving England overall best country at the ETC! Well done guys!