So I mentioned in my previous post how I would build a flyer army. This is what I’d honestly be looking at:

Destroyer Lord – 145
Septiminal Weave

5 Warriors – 165

5 Warriors – 165

5 Warriors – 165

5 Warriors – 165

5 Warriors – 165

5 Wraiths – 175

5 Wraiths – 175

5 Wraiths – 175

Annihilation Barge – 90

Annihilation Barge – 90

Annihilation Barge – 90

Total: 1750

Now for 2k I’d make the following changes:

Remove the Destroyer Lord

Add Lord on foot w/Warscythe and 2+

Add 5 Lychguard w/Night Scythe Transport

Either way the initial portion of the list allows you to start with 15 Wraiths and 3 Barges on the table. That’s enough to scare the hell out of most opponents but then a ridiculous amount of fire power poors out on turn 2/3 to support the units already on the table. Dropping a troop unit or two off to hold objectives and hide as needed. The 2k list I like particularly because of the Lycheguard. Nothing like moving 36” and deploying the squad 6” farther forward, an immediate threat to deal with in the back field. The list is slightly worried about mass st10 templates or stacking enfeeble malidictions but outside of this I think it holds up remarkably well with decent line of sight blocking terrain on the table.