Hey everybody, long time no post. Haha, anyway, Grease is over (with record-breaking ticket sales, woo!) and I've been crankin' away at the ol' Skelecrons. I've also been on a big H.P. Lovecraft kick and have been voraciously looking up information on him, his works, and oddly enough, a boardgame. Arkham Horror is a game of Pulp Horror based on the works of Lovecraft and other Mythos writers and it looks fantastic. Unfortunately, like all Fantasy Flight Games, it's Hella pricey. But, come birthday or Christmas dollars, I'm probly gonna pick it up, so watch this space. In the mean time, Dig on some finished skelecrons:

Here's what I've got done so far.

 My first Scarabs, you can tell from the messy faces. The barrel turning out so well was a lucky break, as the sprue was missing some scarab floaty stands!

 That's better. Classic floaty robobugs of death.

Group shot of the Warriors. I don't think you'd want them coming out to pla-yay. (Joke)

It's kind of hard to see, but the faces have a skull-esque line drawing back from the mouth to the cheek bone. It's the little things. Haha

Well, that's it for this week. Oh! You may have noticed some new, non-Wargaming blogs in the Other Cool Stuff section, namely Propnomicon, a blog of Lovecraftian and occult props and paraphernalia, and Dave Lowe's blog of Awesome, which has all kinds of fun stuff. You should check em out. They're chock-a-block full of neat junk.