The Mighty Mighty Carlos and I played a game last week at 2K; me with Sisters and allied Eldar and he with double Bastions and Imperial Fists.

My 2K Sisters has four squads of Sisters of Battle, four Exorcists, Jacobus with Crusaders and Assassins, Celestine, a Farseer (for psychic defense and jankiness), Pathfinders, and a Fortification with a Quad Gun.

Ouch.  The Devastators and Scouts hold the Bastions with the Quad Guns while the rest of the army ranges ahead or holds ground, depending.  The Captain has a Relic Blade, Artificer Armor, and a Storm Shield - a pretty nifty combo, actually.  His squad sports quad Plasma Guns.

We set up terrain as per the book, and it just so happened most of the terrain required placing on the Imperial Fists side of the board.  My Aegis line centralized, and with only the one piece allowed as per the d3 roll, I saw an opportunity to dick my friend over some...

Here was my first move, blocking off a good deal of Line of Sight to the Bastion he'd placed on his left flank.  The video explains more.

This was a Big Guns Never Tire with only three objectives, two of them being in my deployment zone.  My strategy was to fight on the left flank, going hard after his objective.  I had doubts about capturing it but wanted to avoid giving him a good opportunity to go after mine.

The ruins on the left saw the most bitter fighting.  In the picture above, Celestine is lining up a Heavy Flamer on the command squad.  The Farseer had put the whammy on them with Divination, forcing rerolls of saves - take that, Apothecary!  After shooting most of my army, only the Captain was left.

In other news, Jacobus and Company are in the Rhino behind the Sisters just forced out of their ride to shooting.  He and his beat-stick will  hop out of the ride, setting up a charge in future turns.  On to the next video!

The game was just fun!  Mighty Mighty Carlos pushed hard for my objective, which an Exorcist was sitting on, bottom left, but it wasn't to be.  Celestine was killed but hopped to her feet, and the shooting phase that turn was overwhelming.

The point though is the terrain added to the narrative of the game... and (darn it!) isn't that what GW says its going for?