I really enjoy receiving emails from people who have been inspired by the work I (and others) have done with INQ28. It's doubly special when the email has work of this quality!

Kari Hernesniemi of Spiky Rat Pack sent me this picture of Inquisitor Marius Cassar and his retinue. Kari and his circle of gamers have been working for a long time towards playing a game of INQ28, and the figures they've created have tapped right into the aesthetic of Inquisitor.

Also included is this sketch of Inquisitor Cassar, which Kari produced as a proof of concept before creating the miniature. It's very Blanchean in style, which is awesome. It also shows his skill at modelling that he was able to realise his imaginings! (We should all be so lucky!)

More posts soon, guys - but until then, visit Kari at Spiky Rat Pack and share your thoughts below!