Wargamma Tortured Lands Bases
I was going to use them for my Grey Knights since I was going for a Draigowing configuration. Since then, my plans for GKs keep changing, and I didn't really have enough of these bases for any of my other planned armies.
Enter 6th Edition, and in particular, allies. I bought some bloodletters and daemonettes for my fluffy Khorne Berzerker and Noise Marine-centric Flawless Host warbands. I decided to paint them up:
The movement trays are from Armorcast. Click to enlarge. |
Bleached bone, Tentacle Pink basecoats. Devlan Mud wash for the skin, Baal Red wash for the innards. Tin Bitz for the staples. Very characterful. I'll post these again when I base the daemons.