OK, i’ve been a bad blogger… but in my defense, work, school and prepping for a destination wedding have taken up my life. Things are levelling out a bit now, so I can get back to the blogosphere. I have lots of things to share with you all, but it’s going to take a few posts to bring it all up to speed, which I intend to do over the upcoming holiday weekend.
I would, however, like to bring your attention to my band, Crusader. We are currently starting work on recording our full length album ‘Onward To Battle’. Now, as most of you will realize, recording is a lengthy, and costly process. If I remember correctly, the final cost of recording/artwork/pressing our debut EP “Rise of the Templars” ended up being about $3000, and that was for four songs… so, needless to say a full length album may well be a tad more expensive.
This is where I humbly reach out to you, dear readers and fans of Crusader, to reach into your pocket and see if you have a little that you can donate to our Kickstarter fund to help us get this album done! We have been saving all our money from the shows we have played but have fallen short of the amount needed.
Dethtron, or Colin to those in the inner circle, has jumped through all the necessary legal hoops to get us our very own Kickstarter page, which can be found here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1475857858/crusader-onward-to-battle
There are different tiers of contributions, and what you get for them. Donations start at a mere $2! I may even look into a WCF exclusive gift for those that donate as a result of this blog post…
So, for those that need a soundtrack to the 41st Millenium (Thunderkill?? Asgard’s Fire???) those who need a theme tune while you’re beating the piss out of a horde of greenskins or Eldar, please help out some fellow gamer metal heads… we will indeed salute you!
In battle there is no law…